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How do you know you require ingrown toenail treatment?
An ingrown toenail is painful, and the pain lets you know that something is wrong. However, when it comes to ingrown toenail treatment, you need to ensure whether it is treatable at home, or should you consult aningrown toenail clinic?
The following symptoms will pull your attention towards ingrown toenail treatment in Singapore:
The skin around the toenail begins to harden and swell
The pus or fluid will start accumulating around the toenail
Blood might start oozing with the pus
Constant pain will occur
Seek ingrown toenail treatment in Singapore before these symptoms become worse. Finding a reputable ingrown toenail clinic for treatment will be able to get the job done for you.
Ingrown Toenail Clinic
An ingrown toenail can become extremely painful and cause a number of difficulties to your daily life. If you or a loved one are currently experiencing any problems associated with an ingrown toenail, we can help with our specialist ingrown toenail treatment. We have worked with hundreds of individuals, providing each individual with a practical solution to the problems they are experiencing.
At first, we always advise treating your ingrown toenail at home as you may not require expert medical treatment.
Here is what we advise doing before you see a medical professional:
Soak your foot in warm water 3 to 4 times a day for a few days – this softens the skin around your toe and stops the nail growing into it any further.
Keep your foot away from any damp for the remainder of the day, ensuring that it stays dry.
Wear wide, comfortable shoes or sandals to prevent knocking your toe on anything.
Take paracetamol and/or ibuprofen to ease the pain you are in if required.
At the same time, avoid the following:
Do not cut your toenail – leave it to grow out as you may cut too deep and cause yourself further pain.
Do not pick at your toe or toenail as this will cause further pain and may risk infection.
Do not wear tight, pointy shoes as the friction on your toe will create further pain.
If you would like any further advice, you can consult our team directly and they will provide you with the tips and tricks you can use to alleviate pain and reduce your symptoms without the need for ingrown toenail treatment. Make sure that you keep the area clean and ensure that your toe always has room to move.
What are the causes of ingrown toenails?
Ingrown toenails can occur in both men and women. In general, ingrown toenails are commonly found in people who experience sweaty feet such as teenagers. In addition to this, older people are at a greater risk as their toenails thicken as they grow older.
Many things have the potential to cause an ingrown toenail, these include but are not exclusive to:
Cutting toenails incorrectly.
Naturally growing irregular, curved toenails.
Footwear that places a lot of pressure on the big toes, this includes socks and stockings that are too tight.
Toenail injury, this includes stubbing your toe, dropping something heavy on your foot, or kicking a ball repeatedly for long periods of time.
Poor posture.
Poor foot hygiene, such as not keeping your feet clean or dry.
Genetic risk.
Using your feet excessively for a range of sports can also cause problems.
Ingrown toenails are common in sports such as:
Ingrown Toenail Treatment
If your symptoms do not change over a few weeks and the pain continues to grow, you may need to undergo ingrown toenail removal by GP clinic Singapore. We can complete this for you, ensuring that your toe recovers as soon as possible. Our team have conducted this procedure hundreds of times, ensuring that they can complete the job both quickly and efficiently.
How do we perform ingrown toenail surgery?
In general, the procedure will be performed under local anaesthetic to prevent any pain during the surgery. It will begin by cutting down the edge of your toenail in order to make it more narrow and provide it with a straight edge. In some situations, we may provide you with any antibiotic cream on your nail to help prevent and control any risk of infection. If your nail is already, or becomes infected you will have to take a course of antibiotics to prevent any further damage.
In certain situations, our team may have to remove your entire toenail. This will leave you with an indented space in the area where your toenail once grew. Once the procedure has been finished, your toe will be wrapped in a large dressing. This is for two different reasons. Firstly, it prevents any bleeding and reduces the risk of further damage. Secondly, it significantly reduces the risk of infection, ensuring that your toe is protected after the procedure. We usually advise taking some pain relief after the surgery such as paracetamol. Make sure that you wear sandals or very soft shoes to prevent any pressure on the toe. You will have to wear the dressing for around two days following the procedure to keep it away from further damage.
After you have removed your bandage, you will be on the road to recovery. Depending on the procedure you were provided with, you may be required to attend a follow-up session a few days after the procedure. This allows us to check up on any further problems you may have experienced, as well as ensure that your recovery is going as smoothly as possible.
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