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1.1 在新有效准证 (例如 工作准证,学生证 等等)

1.2 疫苗接种证明证书





1.请拨打卫生部热线 - 69959199


    选项 一 英语

    选项 二 中文

3.选择六号 选项直接与客服人员进行对话

4.直接与接线员预约接种时间与地点,并告知接线员 您想接种科兴 地点在 淡滨尼 诊所名字是 ( Little Cross Family Clinic)以及提供     个人信息注册预约.

5. 预约通过后,将会收到来自卫生局确认预约的短信。





Sinovac Vaccine Appointment Guidelines

   Walk in

1.Bring along with 

    1.1 Valid permit such as Singapore Work Permit, Students pass and Dependent Pass….)

    1.2. Vaccine certificate 

Exclusion -short term pass and Tourist.

Steps to follow :

1.Please contact MoH hotline to make Sinovac Vaccine Appointment - 69959199

2.Upon receiving answering service ,choose 

 Option No.1 for English

 Option No.2 for Mandarin

3. Choose No.6 to speak with a service agent 

4. Making appointment by providing status details with the agent 

5. Finally, receive a confirmation SMS text from MOH.


About Sinovac Vaccine

China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine can be administered in Singapore under the special access route after it was approved for emergency use by the World Health Organization (WHO), said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Wednesday (Jun 2). 

CoronaVac is a COVID-19 vaccine produced by Sinovac Biotech, a China-based pharmaceutical company with headquarters in Beijing. The company focuses specifically on the development and manufacturing of vaccines to target human infectious diseases.


This two-dose vaccine is recommended for individuals aged 18 years and above. It has an efficacy rate of 50.4% for preventing symptomatic infection, according to data from a Brazilian trial, and an effectiveness of 67%, according to a real-world study in Chile.

Who is eligible for the Sinovac vaccine?

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Eligible for use in adults 18 years and older with a valid NRIC/FIN.

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